Investment And Time Qualified Telelphone Interviewed Business Opportunity
Our Investment & Time Qualified, Telephone Interviewed Leads are quite simply the very BEST leads you can buy, to grow your home-based business.

It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This!
IMAGINE… getting leads that have already been interviewed by a member of our call center verification staff to determine whether they are able and willing to make a financial investment of at least $100 AND they are willing to commit to at least 5 to 10 hours a week to work a home business where they can earn $500 to $1000 a month. A lead doesn’t get pre-qualified any better than that, now does it?
Our Investment & Time Qualified, Telephone Interviewed Leads are quite simply the very BEST leads you can buy, to grow your home-based business.
These Leads Are Primed For Your Call…
These pre-qualified prospects are actively seeking a home business and have been primed for you. They’re EXPECTING A PHONE CALL and are prepared for an interview. At this point, it is ONLY a matter of whether they like YOU and the business opportunity you present to them.
Obviously, these leads cost a little more… but they are WORTH IT. Our qualification process is very demanding. On average, it takes our call center specialists 94 conversations with prospects in order to VERIFY one (1) lead like this.
That translates to 94 calls YOU don’t have to make.
Read the following section carefully. You will learn the EXACT PROCESS we go through to generate these ultra-high quality leads.

The Interview:
Here’s the procedure we use when one of our call center staff members gets someone on the phone.
After identifying ourselves, we tell prospects that the reason we are calling is that they recently expressed an interest in a money-making opportunity. Then we ask whether or not they are still looking for one.
We only continue if we get a positive response. Next, we determine how much time they have available to devote to a new business. If they do not have at least 5 to 10 hours a week we terminate the interview. They do not qualify.
Then, we ask if they have a minimum of at least $100 available to invest in starting a home business. If ‘No’ they are disqualified and we terminate the interview. If ‘Yes’ we continue.
Once a person has told our operator they are actively seeking a home business, have at least 5 to 10 hours to work, and have a minimum of $100 to start their business, we then collect and verify the following information.
We check the correct spelling of their name. We verify their phone number. We check and verify the spelling of their email address. We collect an alternative phone number (such as a fax) if they have one. We ask if they have a major debit or credit card. We ask how much money they want to earn on a monthly basis. We will also provide you with their gender.
PLUS… we do even MORE
At this point, it is obvious that this truly is a highly qualified lead. However, what we do next is what makes these leads THE VERY BEST you can buy.
Setting It Up:
At the end of our phone interview, we let the prospect know because of their level of interest and their willingness to answer our questions, that they have qualified for something special.
Based on our 20+ years of experience in this profession, we are willing to have representatives from what we consider to be the best income opportunities in the country contact them.
Quite literally, we are conditioning the prospect to be EXPECTING your call and to be OPEN TO LOOKING at your program.
We explain that our mission as a company is to find highly qualified people like themselves, who are at a time in their lives when they are genuinely seeking an opportunity, and then match them up with someone who has a legitimate and profitable business to offer. We are now willing to endorse them and give them our references.
This is powerful:
It’s called a referral… and there’s no better way to be set up to contact a lead than to be referred.
In fact, it is this 3rd party endorsement from us, and the referrals to people with legitimate programs like yours, that creates a “MAGIC DOOR OPENER” for you.
This far and away separates and distinguishes this lead from ANY other lead being generated by lesser companies in our industry.

Our Unique Four (4) Step Qualification Process:
- Prospects respond to an online ad for a home business opportunity and submit their contact information.
- A follow-up email is sent that they must reply to in order to qualify and be called for the phone interview.
- They are contacted by a member of our call center staff and taken through our interview. (see interview details above)
- They are conditioned to expect your call. They are told that they will be contacted by representatives of legitimate home business companies we refer to them, who will explain the specifics of their opportunity.
With each lead you get the following:
- Name, Email, Phone Number, and Best Time to Call (Morning) (Afternoon) (Evening)
- The name of our agent who conducted the interview.
- If you found the right home business would you have $100 to invest to get started?
- Do you have 5-10 Hours of time available?
- Are you interested in making $500-$1,000 monthly?
NOTE: These leads are LIMITED & Very High Quality!

Because of the strict PRE-QUALIFICATION PROCESS, each prospect has gone through, the quantity of these leads is very limited. In order to ensure the high quality of these leads, we limit the number of times we sell each lead.
We also always maintain program exclusivity. Reserve your Investment & Time Qualified Leads today! In the event we are sold out of leads for your program, we will notify you immediately.
Are You Ready To Get Started?
Package 1
- 25 Investment Qualified Telephone Interviewed Leads
- $4.25 Each
- On check out tell us how leads you want daily.
Package 2
- 50 Investment Qualified Telephone Interviewed Leads
- $3.90 Each
- On check out tell us how leads you want daily.
Package 3
- 100 Investment Qualified Telephone Interviewed Leads
- $3.60 Each
- On check out tell us how leads you want daily.
Heavy Package 4
- 200 Investment Qualified Telephone Interviewed Leads
- $3.30 Each
- On check out tell us how leads you want daily.
SAVE 20% Recurring every 30 days
Package 1
- 25 Investment Qualified Telephone Interviewed Leads
- $3.44 Each
- On check out tell us how leads you want daily.
Package 2
- 50 Investment Qualified Telephone Interviewed Leads
- $3.12 Each
- On check out tell us how leads you want daily.
Package 3
- 100 Investment Qualified Telephone Interviewed Leads
- $2.88 Each
- On check out tell us how leads you want daily.
Heavy Package 4
- 200 Investment Qualified Telephone Interviewed Leads
- $2.64 Each
- On check out tell us how leads you want daily.
Mini Training Course with video and PDF's
Before You Start Contacting Your Leads Please Watch These Video’s
Hello And Welcome to our Training Modules
[MODULE 1] The Best Ways To Contact Your Leads
[MODULE 2] THE EASY WAY TO CLOSE YOUR PROSPECTS After They’ve watched your Presentation